Texas passes the "Chaplain Bill"
The global effects of school chaplaincy and how you can advocate for chaplains at your school
Texas State Board of Ed chaplaincy letter - PJI
Texas State Board of Ed chaplaincy letter - PJI
Rocky Malloy on TX Chaplain Program
Rocky Malloy tells Amanda Head and Annabella Rockwell that Texas is working to host school chaplains in schools to support students with mental health challenges.
CFGC Partners with NSCA, This is Amazing!
We are thankful to Dr. Klon Kitchen and the CFGC staff for spending the day with our NSCA Staff and working together to ensure endorsement for our school chaplains.
Legality of School Chaplains from former Solicitor General of Texas
As a passionate advocate of education, serving the needs of students for the past 30 years, I write to share my excitement for the opportunity to serve this nation’s youth through school chaplaincy.
The Sound of Freedom, God’s Plan for Action
The Sound of Freedom is a phenomenal movie. Rescuing the children from harm is very dramatic and we praise God for every single rescue.
Supreme Court and Bible in Schools
The profound transformation of the American mind is best illustrated by the fact that, from the origins of public education in the mid-17th century, to its progression to the mid-20th century, prayer and Bible reading were classroom essentials.
The Texas Chaplain Act Is Now Law
Texas has passed The School Chaplain Act. This law will allow schools to hire chaplains. Chaplains will provide counseling and community support to teachers and students.
There Are No God-Given Rights Without God
This is a great article from American Thinker and a powerful reminder that there are no God-given rights without God.