Visionary Leader, Author, Speaker, Educator, and Activist for Parent’s Rights.



National School Chaplain Association

World’s largest provider of certified school chaplains.









As a U.S. Merchant Marine Commander, Rocky was sentenced to life in a Mexican federal prison for conspiracy to overthrow the national government and international drug trafficking in a misguided attempt to help indigenous people in southern Mexico. Yet, arrest, sentencing, incarceration, and pardon occurred miraculously in 72 hours.

Thinking he had a “Get out of Jail” card from God, he soon found himself involved in another insurrection, this time in Bolivia. And again, the Lord intervened, saving him from death.

Soon after his miraculous deliverance Rocky became a born-again Christian. His zeal to preach the Gospel, combined with his high tolerance for risk and adventure, landed him on the Honduran border of Nicaraguan during the Sandinista Civil War in 1989. That is where he met his wife and ministry partner, Joske, a Dutch nurse serving in the conflict. Together they began ministering to the children – the victims of war, sex trafficking, and slavery. They quickly realized the best strategy to prevent the victimization of children was to keep them in school. School chaplaincy also provided the path to deliver spiritual care and healing to hurting children with remarkable results.

In 2021, Rocky and his family moved to Houston, Texas, with the vision to bring the international successes of school chaplaincy to U.S. public education. The National School Chaplain Association’s data from 23 countries and over 28,000 schools was instrumental in spearheading the “Texas Chaplain Act” (SB763) made law September 1st, 2023. The NSCA continues leading this national movement, training and certifying school chaplains while supporting legislation for school chaplaincy in U.S. schools.

Rocky and Joske Malloy caring for children in the Contra/Sandinista War in 1989.

Rocky being lowered into a ship on the Caribbean, during his role as a Sea Captain. (1984)

The story of Rocky Malloy and Mission Generation.

Winner of the Best Christian Documentary Short at the Great Lakes Film festival, NY