The National Association of Christian Lawmakers invites NSCA to advise on policy.
Pictured left to right (LA Sen. Mark Abraham R-Lake Charles, Texas SBOE-Dist. 7 Member Julie Pickren, NSCA Legislative Ambassador Jim Schmidt
During their recent 2024 National Policy Conference hosted at Liberty University, the National Association of Christian Lawmakers (NACL) formally adopted a model law urging states to authorize chaplains in schools. This is the first time a national para-legislative organization has endorsed this idea as a model law. We hope that other para-legislative organizations, such as the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Central States Government (CSG), and the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), will also consider endorsing this policy soon.
The NACL model was based upon the school chaplain bill inspired by the NSCA, which was passed into law by their Louisiana State Chair, Sen. Mark Abraham. The National School Chaplain Association (NSCA), leading the nationwide movement, believes that the NACL's involvement will offer crucial guidance to support public education in the US. NACL members also helped pass similar legislation in Florida earlier this year.
“The effectiveness of chaplains is well documented and needed now more than ever in US public education,” stated Jason Rapert, Founder & President of NACL. “We believe in supporting our students and teachers. Utilizing a chaplain has proven to alleviate stress and reduce anxiety; we’re here to make that support a reality. We’re extremely pleased with this model policy for school chaplains and believe in the National School Chaplain Association’s mission. We stand united with them in this effort.”
Despite the escalating demand for school counselors (LPCs), the US continues to grapple with widespread shortages, with educator burnout exacerbating the issue. In a recent interview, an NSCA chaplain in a Texas 5A school shared that his presence on campus was not only accepted but celebrated by the staff. With only one LPC on campus, his collaboration with the counselor has proven to be a blessing, lightening the workload and offering practical assistance. This has established a much-needed support system for a school with a student population exceeding 1400.
“We provide the most qualified school chaplains with certification requirements that parallel the US military, ensuring professionalism and competence. Our school chaplaincy training covers spiritual, academic, and safety training, providing a secure and trusted support system for our schools,” said Jim Schmidt, Legislative Ambassador of the NSCA.
The NACL is the first and only para-legislative association of Christian lawmakers in the United States. Its members and advisors include individuals from all levels of state and federal government.