NSCA interviews community leaders on school chaplaincy
Pictured from left to right. Mike Mathews (ORU), Brad & Brenda Thomas, Jim Schmidt, Rocky & Joske Malloy, Dan Thompson (NSCA), Pastor Sharon Daughtery (Victory College), Jason Nussbaum (Victory College), Matt Brunner, Rasheeda Burgess (ORU), Daniel Guerra, Johnny Davis, Stacy Valentine, Colonial Dan Paul (retired).
As school chaplaincy continues to make national news, NSCA’s schedule was busy up through the final week of December 2023! NSCA met with various community, religious, mental health, and business leaders to conduct interviews on the importance of school chaplaincy.
Professionals from the military, local churches, charitable organizations, clinical health, and school boards were among those in attendance giving their unique perspectives on why chaplains in schools are needed. These interviews give insightful details from the individuals who have served their communities in various capacities, some for over 40 years.
All agreed that students, teachers, and staff are dealing with more stress, anxiety, and hopelessness than in previous generations. The unanimous conclusion is that our nation's problems are cultural, and public education has been left ill-equipped to deal with these growing issues.
Corporations, hospitals, the military, government institutions, and even sports teams have chaplains on staff. Why is this? It’s not because chaplains replace mental health professionals, as all these industries also provide counselors. It is because chaplains provide spiritual care, a unique agency that brings hope and purpose provided exclusively by a representative of God.
Stay tuned for the release of this amazing footage!
Special thanks to Mike Mathews of Oral Roberts University, and BMCFerrell.
If you are interested in interviewing a member of the NSCA on school chaplaincy, please email us at info@campuschaplains.org