Thank you! Prayer is Back but we must Act

Prayer is Back
but we must Act

Good News, prayer is back in school. School chaplaincy is the first opportunity in 60 years to recover religious liberty lost when prayer was kicked out of school in 1962. 

Chaplains are nonjudgmental confidants and easy to talk to without fear of harassment. Even in an increasingly secular society, confidence in chaplains and their ability to help with personal problems remains strong.

To make prayer in school a reality, please give your best gift to the National School Chaplain Association. Your donation will advance legislation, train chaplains, educate advocates, and increase awareness of school chaplaincy. Time is of the essence. With teen suicide and depression at an all-time high, chaplaincy is a non-threatening solution. 

Kingdom and Country,
Rocky J Malloy
P.O. Box 720746
Norman OK 73070-4574 

Mobile: 858.472.6084


National School Chaplain Association Launches School Safety Information Drive


National School Chaplain Association Launches School Safety Information Drive